Ummm Marc is bored.
Marc did a survey thing.
1. full name: Marc Alun Partridge (no I never mispelled Alun)
2. age: 17
3. address: bollocks
4. phone #: :P
5. color: ummm blue, black, white, red, green. Umm it kinda goes on a bit.
6. band: Ummm SOAD, Slipknot. Theres lot of good bands out there.
7. item of clothing: I don't have a fav
8. cd: thats far to hard
9. chic frend: Cheryl I would say... Shes a good laugh... Haven't seen her in ages
10. guy fren: John of course. He's the only one I've kept in contact with from school because most of them were wankers
11. tv show: I dunno
12. movie: umm The Matrix, Nightmare before Christmas, Leon/The Professional
13. online buddy: Theres a few. Sie, Samantha, Rei, Katie... more but I'm lazy
14. number: 6
15. actor: none
16. actress: none
17. season: probably winter except when its fucking freezing. Spring isn't bad. Bit of sun shine is okay but not to much.
18. month: don't have one
19. holiday: ?
20. how many bf's/gf's hav u had?: not many at all
21. who was ur fave bf/gf?: heh
22. r u a virgin?: yes I am
23. hav u ever given head?: no...
24. wut about a handjob?: no...
WhEn WaS tHe LaSt TiMe U....
25. got in major trouble: ?
26. cut ur hair: few weeks ago
27. ate a meal: ummm last night. I haven't eaten this morning... yet
28. hugged someone: few months back I think
29. kissed someone: New Years Day
30. made new frenz: ?
31. lost something: I dunno
hAvE yOu EvEr....
32. been so drunk you passed out?: nope :( would be fun though
33. gone out in public in ur pajamas?: nope, I don't even wear pajamas
34. had an imaginary friend?: nope
35. cried during a chic flick?: nope
36. owned a new kids on the block cd?: no
37. gotten in a car accident?: yesh
38. liked someone so much you cried?: ummm no
39. cussed wen ur parents were around: all the time.
40. told your sis/bro she/he was a bitch? of course. They tell me the same.
41. sung in front of the mirror?: yes *dances*
42. made faces in the mirror?: yah
43. spend more than one hour on your hair?: nope, takes me about 1 minute... or 2. Depends on length
44. sleep walked/talked in ur sleep?: when I was little
46. gone caroling?: nope
47. wut is the funniest movie u ever saw?: I dunno, there is a lot
48. stupidest movie?: Signs. Whata shit fucking movie
49. which movie could u watch over &over?: I dunno
50. wut was the last movie u saw?: Leon
51. who do u go 2 the movies w/?: anyone?
52. wut movie made u cry da most?: Bambie
53. did u like titanic?: it was... okay...
wOuLd YoU eVeR....
54. jump outta a plane?: Fuck Yes!
55. kiss ur best guy friend(or if ur a guy, kiss ur best chic friend)?: ummm depends?
56. go bungee jumping?: Yes!
57. stay in ur room for a whole day?: I do sometimes :)
58. go in the snow w/out clothes?: for a laugh sure
59. skinny dip?: sure, that'll be cool
60. drink salt water? no
61. touch road kill?: only if I was cold
62. smile @ ur worst enemy?: no
63. play 8,000 games of bowling?: no, it'll get a bit boring
64. go to reno to get married?: no
65. have a make-out party?: ummm?
66. throw a party w/out your parents?: yeah but not with shit loads of people. that just takes the piss. Before you know it you'll have people dancing in your shower
67. if you could change one thing bout urself, wut would u change?: ummm I dunoo
68.wut is ur dream career?: ummmmm I dunno. SOmething with computers. Makign Video games?
69. winter or summer?: winter
70. beach or mountains?: I dunno, not seen much of either of them
71. pop or punk: punk
72. rock or rap: rock
73. NY or LA: I dunno
74. dogs or cats: depends. Dog normally, but you have those really friendly cats. Mines just a bastard
75. britney or christina: nither
76. leno or letterman: ?
77. mtv or vh1: kerrang :P
78. day or night: night
79. lake or ocean: depends what for
80. waffles or pancakes: dunno
81. soccer or football: I'll correct you. Football or American Footbal: umm football. Though I'd love to play american football
82. baseball or swimming: basebal just confuses the fuck out of me
83. sugar or spice: thats too hard
84. eminem-please stand up or please shut up?: please sit down and remain quiet until asked to speak.
85. wut is the single most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?: I dunno
mOrE hAvE yOu EvErS....
86. fallen in front of someone u thought to be quite good looking?: I normally fall over infront of everyone
87. run into a wall on purpose?: yes
88. kissed someone of the same sex?: ummm been kissed
89. laughed so hard that w/e u were drinking came outta ur nose?: yes
90. swallow a bug?: I think
wOuLd YoU eVeR....
92. commit a crime?: ?
93. change your religion?: I don't have one to change
94. lie to your parents?: yes
95. jump over a waterfall?: yes
96. change clothes in front of an open window?: sure, go do it in the middle of the street. Have some fun
97. tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you?: ?
eVeN mORe HaVe YoU eVeRs....
98. stumbled across FBI secrets online?: no
99. made ppl give you really weird glances?: yes
100. sung at a karaoke bar?: no
101. who do u have a crush on?: The Pope... lol no. :P
102. who do u like?: thats just the same isn't it?
103. have u ever gone out with them?: no ;_;
104. have u ever kissed them?: no ;_;
105. do u wanna kiss them?: yesh
MoRe RaNdOm QuEsTiOnS....
119. are you in love w/ anyone at the moment?: this could have gone in the last section. Umm I'm not really sure what love is to be honest.
120. if so, who?: ...
121. wuts your fave song?: ...
123. do u think you'll ever get married?: maybe
124. who do u think you'll marry?: dunno
125. do you want kids?: at some point in my life yes. But not now no and not anytime soon
126. if so, how many?: 2. One girl and one boy is fine
127. are u tired of this survey?: yes
is Marc's Survey.