So, I've been waiting for a package from CDJapan since yesterday. Usually they've delivered my stuff quickly -the only exceptions to the rule have been the times when my packages have gotten caught in the customs. However, I knew for sure that isn't the case with this package, so when there was no notification today, I copypasted the tracking number to the track-your-package field in the post's website. And, there it read that my package had been delivered to the recipient today at 2:30pm -when I was at Uni and Juha was at work. Plus, the recipients surname was the same as mine but the first name wasn't familiar at all. Also, the postal code was wrong.
Well, at first I darted to my local post office. The woman working today was very nice, even a little shocked, when I explained what had happened. You see, the method of shipping I used requires recipient's identification and signature before giving the package away. Despite all this, my package has gone missing.
She couldn't do anything about the package because it had never gotten to the office in the first place, from where someone could've delivered it. I came back home and called to Itella. At first they said casually that the person who had accepted the packaged must've been someone from my local office, as it was noted on the website that the previous attempts to deliver the package had failed (well of course they had, no one's at home Thursday 2:30pm DDD:). I told them that I had already been to the post and that they knew nothing about my precious CDs. Then, Itella went all, "Umm", clearly giving off the impression something isn't right. Anyway, there's now a requiry waiting for the head of logistics tomorrow, and someone should contact me asap.
It could be that the mistake here is that when the post delivery guy had noticed there was nobody home, he had taken the package back to the logistics center, thinking about trying to deliver it again tomorrow. However, that does not explain why there's a note on the website about package being succesfully delivered to the recipient. I hope the mistake's just about marking the package's "situation" wrong in the website.
Anyway, whatever. It's not in my hands anymore. I hope I get my package tomorrow.
Then, there've been quite a bunch of stuff I've ran into when translating stuff for Jblobs, and because here're many wonderful people, who have studied Japanese longer/translated stuff a lot more, I thought I'd ask your help on a couple of things that have bothered me :D These are from various blogs, mainly slang I guess, or structures I haven't learned yet.
I was able to disassemble this but I couldn't make a coherent English sentence out of this. The context is about candy with alcohol filling. The first part is obvious ("They're delicious but...") but, is the meaning that people have come telling him (Mike, if you were wondering) that even though they're poor drinkers, they've never gotten drunk because of the candy?
Is this a colloqualism, same as saying plainly "tanoshimi"?
Seika says that because there isn't time anymore, he won't be celebrating New Year's? I can't make this sentence sound smart in English.
This is a little something Yukke tweeted: I get that he's undressing and... red? What are those random "i" and "n" there? ;__;
I wasn't able to find what this verb means. Is this a potential form of morau, to give?
There've been some others too but these have annoyed me the most. Thanks in advance for those that can help♥