Part two is being re-written as we speak. Go and enjoy part three instead.
“Those idiots started the Apocalypse. Michael and his merry band of idiots have been manipulating bloodlines for thousands of years and they finally got it right. Those poor Winchesters kids never stood a chance. Sam already said Yes to Luci and Michael will force Dean to say Yes to him. Regardless of who wins, mankind is going to lose.”
“It’s not the Apocalypse,” God said calmly getting up and pulling Gabriel to his feet.
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Broke sixty-six seals to bust Luci out of the Cage? Check. Found their human vessels? Check. Laying waste to parts of the Earth? Check. The Four Horesemen doing their thing? Check. Demons walking the Earth? Check. Angels killing Angels? Check. It’s all there.”
“Gabriel, think about it for a minute. What does Mathew 24:36 say?” God demanded crossing his arms and tapping his long fingers on his arms.
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father,” Gabriel recited immediately and his eyes widened at the implication of that statement. “Son of a bitch.
“I am the only person who knows when the Apocalypse is going to start and trust me, this isn’t it.” God said in a matter of fact voice. “I think it’s time I have a very long chat with my two older boys, don’t you?”
“I so need popcorn for this, or maybe I’ll Tivo the whole thing and watch it later,” Gabriel amended quickly seeing his Dad’s expression. “So what do you want me to do?”
“Get downstairs, make the announcement that I’m back and I’ll take it from there,” God said with a smile, knowing his son was going to flip out in a second. “By the way; Formal Dress Robes.”
“What? No way Dad, no way! I’m not wearing my Formal Robes,” Gabriel started protesting waving his fingers at God. “I look like a curtain with wings, and that halo thing is so not me.”
“Suck it up kiddo, I have to go Formal as well. I hate beards, makes my face itch,” God replied rubbing his clean shaven face. If he ever got his hands on a certain painter...
Gabriel made a face at God as he started to glow and a second later Gabriel was wearing a long white gown trimmed with blue that fell to his feet in graceful folds. His gold wings flared out at least twenty feet behind him and there was a golden halo floating above his head. Gabriel pouted at his Dad.
“I’m immune kiddo, but I see your point, that look is kinda dated,” God said thoughtfully as he changed as well.