Linking all the NaNo stuff together. Mostly for my benefit, because my OCD requires it (let's not discuss the genealogy-tree looking thing that is my Scrivener file). But here for yours as well, should you want one place to go to for the latest updates. (All three of you.)
So, tentatively titled the big main story Sundered Faith. (Its current title in Scrivener wherein I'm compiling my notes. I never claimed to be subtle.)
Actual NaNoWriMo (heavily edited, still adjusting local dialect to more Old English roots (nitpicking flavor text is important))
Prologue (Last update: 05/17/12)
Part 1: Giants in the Earth (Last update: 12/06/11)
Part 1: Giants in the Earth (cont.) (Last update:12/06/11)
Part 2: The Wasteland (Last update: 12/06/11)
Part 2: The Wasteland (cont.) (Last update: 12/06/11)
Part 3: The Forgotten Temple (Last update: 12/10/11)
Part 3: The Forgotten Temple (cont.) (Last update: 12/10/11)
Part 3: The Forgotten Temple (more cont.) (Last update: 12/10/11)
Post-NaNoWriMo continuation (still in the draft section of writing)
Part 4: The Motion of the Heavens (Last update: 12/10/11)
Part 4: The Motion of the Heavens (cont.) (Last update 12/10/11)
Part 4: The Motion of the Heavens (more cont.) (Last update 12/10/11)
Part 4: The Motion of the Heavens (oh god, where does it stop?) (Last update 12/10/11)
Other things that take place (these are here just to annoy me because this is the story I wanted to write for my NaNo and it needed too much backstory for me to get anywhere near it. Sigh)
The nonsense that started it all The Gray Gown Cosmogony in the works Arty stuff
Redone map of Caldonia for reference (I love making maps.
Proof (And oh god, the bar thing, how did I not notice? *facepalm*))
Lee does doodle portraits Lee does costume designI kinda fail at that myself (more art featuring the girls throughout there, knock yourselves out)
(also, from the Pathfinder campaign, a sketch of some
half-orcs for you)