Twilight Fans do not want to read this note. Stop now.
I rolled my eyes when the Twilight craze hit mainstream news. It was "Buffy and Angel" all over again, to me. A couple of people I respect very much in my writers' group persuaded me to read more than a few pages selected at random in various parts of the book before I condemned it.
So I tried. )
Comments 13
Good to know, about the book that is...I've been avoiding it, and now shall continue to do so. I was never a Buffy or Angel fan, and my last boyfriend was OBSESSED and HAD to go the get dvd's the night the were released. I snicker at them at Wal*Mart being under 20 dollars now knowing he paid 60+ for each season when they were first released.
I hope your test shows something helpful!
You are not alone. This is exactly what I thought when I MADE myself finish reading it, too! *Disgusted-at-self-and-book-shudder*
The baseball game is where it started to get sort of interesting for me. And the whole chase thing was kind of good, and the end fight was cool. And then, yes, more whining, and no satisfying conclusion. (I know there are three more books, but the first one didn't even feel like it had an ending.) I do not understand the appeal of these books to anyone that is not female and fourteen years old! The writing is mediocre at best, the characters are whiny and one-demensional, and the Edward/Bella thing is more stalker/stalkee to me than boyfriend/girlfriend, and especially not soulmate/soulmate. (Although, and I hate to admit it, I would've eaten this up when I was fourteen. And yeah, I was into Buffy then, too. I agree that the Joss Whedon-ness did a lot for that show, which could have otherwise been really icky ( ... )
I hated the whole stupid series. The fourth book is the only one that was even remotely good, and that was remotely, because by then Meyer manged to move past the long monologues in Bella's head about how "god like/model like/whatever like" Edward was looking at that particular moment. :P And I only finished the series because I was interested in finding out what happens to Jacob. And I didn't have to buy the books. And because at the time I was moving and had nothing better to do and it was avoidance behavior.
And frankly, NeverEnding Story I (I know you said II, I've never seen it) and Dragonheart II were both far more interesting than Twilight the book. :P (I don't care for NeverEnding story so much though.) Haven't seen the movie, but since the book is so vapid it probably does translate well to the movie screen.
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