Sprout is two months old now! She is getting big too. Tomorrow will be her two month appointment, and also Hubby's b-day. Sad to say that I will not actually be there though. :( I am sad that I will miss that, but it can't be helped. More on that later. First...
Sprout is certainly growing up. She is an independent little thing. She is happiest when she is in her swing or car seat. She loves being rocked and moved. Though sad to say, she is not much of a cuddle bug. She will tolerate being held for the mos part, but I can't get her in my arms for more than an hour. I have been lucky to get her to nap in my lap a couple of times though, so that makes me happy.
Also, oh she does not like cribs or anything where she lies flat. We have been trying to change that though. It is a slow process, but so as long as we are adamant, we can pull it off. Just more questions for the pediatrician tomorrow. I need to make a list for hubby to bring with him.
She is still a talkative little bug. Always making noise, which is adorable. She also has a favorite monkey toy. Blue Monkey is there when she needs a cuddle or to block the light from her eyes. Often we have seen it on her head. Way too cute. Mommy made the mistake of losing said monkey. We had to order a new one, which ended up costing us three times th normal amount because Toys R Us no longer carried them. Even online >.< But it was worth it. Yes, we are fully aware that Danielle will be spoiled. What can we say?
As for the not so much on being held, I think it is because for a good month she was on one medication or another that really upset her stomach. The pediatrician that we were seeing before she got on our insurance ordered multi vitamins so that she had vitamin D in her system, and it tore up her stomach so bad. We live in California, she gets enough of that from the sun! I called the nurse and she told me to just take her for walks. She didn't need the multivitamin. Then the same doctor gave her something for Thrush but didn't tell me how to use the medicine properly. For the majority of her taking the medicine, I did not know that I needed to rub it on her tongue, not make her swallow the whole dose four times a day. My beautiful Amber finally helped me fix the problem, but after nearly a week of diarrhea, upset tummy, constipation, and over all unhappiness. This is also the same doc who tried to remove my child's stump early and made her bleed. And almost got bitten. But we will see him no more!
So, why won't I be going tomorrow? Oh yeah, I broke my foot. Playing mini golf. WTF? I was being my normal self, walking on the stone barriers that are not far off the ground. I hopped off of them, took two steps, then my right foot bent inwards and I heard a snap. I broke the pinkie toe at the base way up in my foot. Good job Cin. >.< I need to talk to my doc about my bones. I have broken my pinkie fingers playing kid sports and broke my other foot playing Dance Dance Revolution a few years back. This can't be normal.
Still, I am a happy camper. I love being a mom. Danielle may seem difficult at times, but when I can get her to smile for the sake of smiling and hear all those great noises that she makes, I cannot complain. I have a wonderful hubby who spoils the crap out of me. I feel bad that I went and broke my foot on his b-day weekend while we had guests down. Gah my body is out to get me!