Sprout keeps on sprouting

Aug 26, 2011 13:33

I am torn. Part of me wants to tell Sprout to stop growing whereas it is so exciting to see all of her progress! But I am realizing that soon she will not be my itty bitty baby for much longer. She is just growing too fast for me.
She is already rolling like a champ. Today she rolled to her left side when she normally rolls to the right. Now it matters where her toys are at for she is actively seeking them out now! She grabs at things, moves to what she wants as best as she can, and can pass things, albeit sloppily, from one hand to the other. She is quite the mover, my little Sprout.
She is also quite the noise maker. She is either a banshee or a baby chipette. Oh the sounds that little baby makes! She has learned how to shriek. High pitched sounds for every occasion. It is hilarious. I am still at the stage where I find the squeaks, shrieks, and squawks to be more amusing than annoying. I wonder though how long that will last.
Biggest achievement to date however is the fact that she had two successful feeding sessions this week! I spoon fed her her rice cereal and she did so well. Of course there was a mess, she got it all over her face and hands! And she is still learning to keep the cereal in her mouth, but she ate more than what ended up on her bib. And she really loved it. She was laughing and giggling throughout the feeding. And I swear that she made the sounds, 'nom nom nom.'
And oh! She laughs now. True little laughs of glee that just makes me melt. Her father got her laughing for the first time by playing with her on our bed, bouncing and singing. As I was doing the laundry, half paying attention to them, I hear this adorable little sound that she hadn't made yet. It was a laugh. She loved her daddy being a total goofball. I love my little Sprout!
She is just getting too big too quickly though. I was reflecting on this yesterday when she fell asleep in my arms as we rocked to Monsters Inc. She is even becoming more independent. I can leave her alone in her bungee bouncer now without being in the same room as she watches kid programs. Great time to take a shower. But even now she is in her crib, *cough* car seat *cough* watching her mobile with absolute concentration as I type this. She doesn't need me to be there when she falls asleep any more. She is getting really good at putting herself to sleep. And that is another thing, already she is forming quite the sleep schedule. She will get about two naps during the day then sleep all night. Last night she didn't even wake up for her binkie. She slept for a solid 12 hours all the way through!
She is getting bigger in so many ways and she is only four and a half months old. I feel like she is growing up too fast. I am going to blink and she is going to be crawling. Next blink walking. Next thing I know, she will be in kindergarten. I don't think I am ready for her to grow up yet.


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