I'm leveling up NIN subjob and my NPC just for that, actually. WHMs end up doing more curing than skilling in skillup parties, at least the ones I've been in so far, so I'd rather just go it alone :P
Yeah, I normally will not join skillup parties either, because as a Bard, everyone wants me to play 100 songs for them, and as a RDM I end up having to refresh and haste so many people, that it prevents me from getting many skillups and it just isn't much fun. Unless I go with friends, then it is normally OK. Still have to say that /NIN solo skillups are the way to go.
Alone is definitely the way to go (or with a friend or 2!). It's peaceful, and I can take DCs by myself just fine with NIN sub. Also, the mobs last FOREVER, so if you're skilling up on someone's XP mobs, they won't even notice the 1 you kill every 15 minutes XD.
Let's get LS to schedule Rev mail NM k? Or do you have it already?
Comments 3
I'm leveling up NIN subjob and my NPC just for that, actually. WHMs end up doing more curing than skilling in skillup parties, at least the ones I've been in so far, so I'd rather just go it alone :P
Unless I go with friends, then it is normally OK. Still have to say that /NIN solo skillups are the way to go.
Let's get LS to schedule Rev mail NM k? Or do you have it already?
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