You guys get to put up with my rambling! Are ya excited?

Nov 13, 2004 18:10

Allllrighty. Soooo, lately I've been doing some thinking. I've been getting a bit better...getting over my Self-injury addiction and such. But since I've been getting better, I've been spending a lot more time talking to people that are and have gone through it. And I'm not just talking about you guys...I'm talking about a couple other groups online, and some friends in RL. And the other night, when I was talking to Riss, I kind of lost it. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I HATE that people have to go through this at all, but so many people have to go through it ALL ALONE, because they think no one will understand, and they're scared. This REALLLY bothers me. I was lucky...really lucky. I had you guys, and you really don't know how much that means to me. But there are people out there that don't have people like you...and are afraid to tell anyone because they don't think peole will understand. And they're right. There are a lot of people that WON'T understand. There's almost no awareness whatsoever of SI. I've had to put up with jokes and crap from people who I know would never make fun of eating disorders or anything like that. And SI and eating disorders are very similar...the difference? People understand eating disorders.

This got me doing some research about SI awareness...and I found some stuff, but not a whole lot. But I WANT to make a difference in it. I'm just not sure how I'm going to go about doing I thought I would start little. Sooo...I've been visitng this website that sells SI awareness bracelets.

RecoverYourLife strongly supports Self Harm awareness. It brings Self Harmers closer together - and shows the outside world we are not afraid to be who we are.

During the Self Harm awareness movement - and number of colour combinations have been developed to signify each different 'genre' of Self Harm - and as such, RYL provides all these at the same price.

All money made goes right back into the site - so your contribution will go directly towards RYL - to change and save more lives - and to forward the Self Harm Awareness Movement ever further, ever increasing Social understanding and support...

All Bracelets are glass and are hand made by members - and include a metal screw clasp and strong, durable elastic cord - While these bracelets are designed to fit all - if you wish to have an extra large one - this is no problem, imply state it on the order form...

The Beads are approx 6mm across

Colour Meanings

Plain Orange - Self Harm (Awareness)

Orange with 1 white - Trying to stop Self Harm

Orange and White - Recovered Self Harmer

Yellow and Orange - Suicidal and Self Harm

Blue and Red - Depression/Mental Illness and Eating Disorders


All these Bracelets are £5 or $10 - including postage and packing - they are perhaps slightly more expensive than you might expect because of their durable quality, metal screw clasp - and the fact we are trying to raise funds ;) - also coins should not be sent...

Please please consider buying one - joining in with the other members of the community and helping to spread awareness.

Now, I don't particularly have that kind of money to spend on more then just me. And I don't really want to actually order one I'm making some. I'm just using plastic beads, but I think its an okay idea. I know Rachel made one of these for herself yesterday...and I went out and bought some more beads this morning and made mine.

and now I have one question. Do you guys think I'm losing it?

Just thought about that question. Well, to lose it, you have to have it to begin with, so I think I better rephrase that. =p

Do you guys think this is an okay idea? Or am I'm going overboard?
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