Ymir & Investiture

Feb 16, 2009 04:19

Ymir was quite wonderful, and there is much to tell.  It was also Axel's & my Investiture as Baron & Baroness of Sacred Stone.  I just have to say that, if Saturday was any indication, this is going to be a really fun job.  I'm already plotting with Baroness Martelle, so watch out Atlantia, here we come!

We got onsite around 9:30, which was in plenty of time, since Windmaster's Last Court didn't come off until about 10:30.  (It was scheduled for 10  am.)  We had already put our garb on in the truly abysmal hotel room we had on Friday night.  But I refuse to chat about that, and will simply chalk it up to Friday the 13th.  The following night they gave us a different room, and all was well, so it's all over with.

Anyway, we Trolled in during a rain storm, noticing the amazing amount of polar fleece present .  Yes, it's cheaper than wool, and very warm, and some of it is better than others, but WE CAN TELL.  At least, I can.  So, because I was in linen and NOT wool, and because the one mistake we make was to NOT bring MY cloak, I froze at troll.  Fortunately (or unfortunately), a few members of our party were only able to come out for the actual Investiture, and they were considerate enough to leave their cloaks behind when they left.  So those of us left behind were plenty warm.  Except that we had to wear the cloaks even in the hall because they kept propping the doors open.

But the good news is that court was held in the hall, and not down near the lake, as had at first been planned.  I DID end up down by the lake later, but it was while exploring in the woods.  (More on this later.)  So apart from being a bit chilly (or worse) in the morning, the rest of the day was truly glorious.  It could've been another 5 degrees warmer for me, but altogether very pleasant.

So Rosalind & Gaston finish their court, there's a short intermission before Royal Court, and the first order of business was the stepping down of the Windmaster's Baronage, and the Investiture of their new Baron and Baroness.  It was very correct and formal, and quite beautiful.  In fact, it reminded me of a wedding ceremony.  So, while the Windmaster's Investiture is going on, I turn to Axel, and say, "are you going to swear fealty for the both of us, in Finnish, or do I get a part in this, too?"  Well, just then Girard and Guenièvre started giving their oath of fealty.  It was so beautiful.  They had written it out ahead of time and read it in unison.  Again, like a wedding.  For us, well, not so much.

So Girard and Guenièvre finish and sit down on the Windmaster's Thrones.  And then Marc and Alienor step down and are made Barons of the Court.  (I may rant about court Barons at some point, but that's a different story.)  Then Axel & I are called up.  This was amusing all by itself, as the Herald got my name wrong.  He called me Jean Marie.  About half the hall muttered under their breaths "that's Jeanmaire!"  I was so touched. I have so many good friends, and they're such wonderful people.

I just want to say, also, that I am so grateful to all our household and to everyone who wasn't household, but who was there to help and be part of our Investiture.  Everyone went to a lot of trouble to look good - and it worked!!  As soon as I can track down all the pictures, I'll post some.

Oooohhh, look!  Here's one!

Anyway, we walk up, do our usual little bow, and we kneel.  Now, despite the fact that kneeling stools are available in front of the King and Queen, Axel kneels down on the concrete floor.  He explained to me later that he was trying to get me to switch sides, so that he would be in front of the King, and I would be in front of the Queen, but at the time, all I thought was "Fuck this shit, I ain't kneeling on no concrete floor!"  (He was worried about which Monarch had which Baronial Coronet.) So throughout the ceremony, and despite the fact that Axel sort of "scooted" up to the kneeling bench, he was behind and below me.

We go through the ceremony, they put the Coronets on our heads (and Jason DID have mine, and Gertie Axel's) and Jason whips out his sword and it's time for us to swear fealty.  So, I just want to put out a request - did anyone video or audio tape our Investiture?  Because I would really like to know exactly what it was we said.  I was so hyped on adrenaline (being the adrenaline junkie that I am) that I only seem to remember us stumbling a little bit, and people giggling a bit, but Axel seems to think that he really flubbed it.  And I can't truthfully refute him, because I don't honestly remember!!  So if any of you have video (or just a good memory) please get in touch.

That's pretty much it.  Axel handed out some gifts.  The Stanback powders went over really well, especially with Her Highness.  And we are now the Baron & Baroness of Sacred Stone.  Complete with retinue and portfolio.  Wow!

Axel, of course, immediately went off to run Youth Combat.  (What else?)  And I was free to do as I pleased, because, you know what?  Windmaster's Hill isn't my barony!!  So I didn't have to run anything or put out any fires, or hold a Baroness' tea, or ANYTHING.  So I did my usual.  I went the round of the merchants, checked out the fighting briefly, did some judging for A&S, and just generally had a good time.  There were so many wonderful people there, that I can't begin to mention them all, and everyone was congratulating me and giving me gifts. It was actually, in a lot of ways, better than my birthday.  There was even cheesecake!!  In the middle of the afternoon, I ditched my attendant and went for a walk in the woods with my friend Lady Maeve.  (Sorry, Maeve, I know that I'm spelling your name wrong!)  We ended up down by the lake for a bit, which was sort of a hoot, because it was a boy scout camp and there were little "virtue" signs on the path to the amphitheatre, which is by the lake.  The signs read things like "thrifty" and "honest" and "forthright" and "brave".  They were really a little silly, and when we reached the end, the last one was "reverent."  Maeve thought it should say "irreverent" so that you get time off for good behavior, as it were.  I completely agreed with her.
We then ran into Molly with her little girl, Kaleigh, and Grimr (Mari's brother, not the new knight).  Kaleigh and Molly had been at the Baroness' Tea earlier in the afternoon, and Kaleigh was trying to drag Molly for a walk in the woods then, so the strong-minded child had finally gotten her way and Mommy was taking her for a walk.  We walked back with them a ways, and when we got back to the field, Kaleigh wanted to go back in, but Molly & Grimr didn't.  Then Molly got Kaleigh to flutter her eyelashed at Grimr.  He just melted.  It was so cute.  So I went back to being Baroness, and Kaleigh went back into the forest, her two minders in tow.

You know, I have to say, and I do not mean this in any derrogatory manner, but it is totally fun to have minions.  I mean, I am not into having people prostate themselves in front of me during dinner (thank you Mistress Alesia) but it was great to have someone else to carry my bag and get me water when I was tired, and just generally be around as a companion.

One of the only problems with Ymir was that I tired out too quickly. By the time the fourth remove of the feast was coming out, I was ready for bed.  But when you're sitting at High Table, well, it's kinda rude to leave early.

Altogether a very delightful and memorable day.  Certainly one I shall never forget.

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