(no subject)

May 31, 2003 17:36

Elfwine: O_O my brother is bigger
Elfwine: hiiiii. you're still shorter than me
Damien: *snicker* but I'm cuter, deadboy
Elfwine: pstch. sure.
Damien: of course I am :P WEDGIE TIME! ::grabs the waistband of your trousers and yanks upwards::
Elfwine: *smacks*
Damien: grrrrr ::liiiiiiiiick::
Elfwine: o.O
Elfwine: mind the make-up
Damien: ::strokes you hair:: Pretty brother... pretty pretty pretty
Elfwine: But not shiny. Distressingly corpselike
Damien: If I lick you some more you would be shiny...
Elfwine: But then you'd have to deal with your uncle being all axe-wielding and grumpy
Damien: he could be shiny too if he wanted
Elfwine: You are such a special child
Damien: ::raise eyebrow:: ::sits in your lap:: Tell me a story
Elfwine: this sounds familiar. Hmm. Once upon a time there was a princess who's father married an evil...something or other. who wanted to be the most beautiful in the land. but the princess was.
So the queen got really grumpy, sent the princess out to be murdered but the princess got away and started living in a polyamorous enviroment with a bunch of dwarves.
Then the queen found her, poisoned her, left her for dead. And a prince came along, commited necrophilia so the princess filled out her mandos form so she could come back and sue. Then she and the queen reconciled their differences, had wild lesbian sex and bought a ranch together. The end
Damien: ::thinks:: Tell me a story about you
Elfwine: hmm. I can't think of anything about me.
Damien: ::pouts::
Elfwine: Sorrrrry
Damien: Want a cookie?
Elfwine: Sure. Why're you suddenly big, Damien?
Damien: No idea. Trauma perhaps. Like with that green dude. Brucie or something
Damien: ::hands you cookies::
Elfwine: Damien smash puny elves?
Elfwine: *eats*
Damien: I do not know. ::thinks:: Damien insert explosives into puny elves?
Elfwine: Sure. They probably deserve it HerDivineShadow: well. I am dressed. Just in pjs. bah.
Damien: would you like to heeelp me? it'd be fun ::nods::
Elfwine: I like having plausible deniability
Damien: ::frowns:: Those are big words. I am only little. Use smaller ones :D
Damien: and here have some explosives ::hands you big shiny explosives::
Elfwine: plausible deniability
Elfwine: ...*looks at them gleefully*
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