I have a candle holder, a cd rack, 4 virgin notebooks and two kid's umbrellas to give away. Spoken for! As you may have guessed, I'm trying to make some space in our house. :)
Leave a message here if you're interested.
EDA: The CD rack remains, sad and lonely. Get it now. And of course I still have a whole box of books and rollerblades for sale.
It is done. I have blogged in English over on my other blog. You should add it to your google reader already or to your favorites. Metal Bonbon. The first post is a geeky one, since I just returned from a 30$ comic book binge. Enjoy.
I've been thinking about suppy and demand on a blog. I post in French, because I was tired of always posting in English on this blog. But now I'm wondering if there is enough readers for what I write in English. Not that I would switch totally, but I would make the effort of writing once in a while in English. Basically readers,
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