monanotlisa, a darling creature who is currently nestled to my bosom (despite her panicky struggles and unnerved cheeps, and in purely a virtual sense) has made me the icon on this post. It needs a caption, though, I think.
Okay soo this has nothing to do with your post but I couldn't figure out how to contact you soooooooo I just wanted to say I just got done reading your story subtleties and I LOVE IT! It has to be one of the most amazing stories I've read so far! It was way good. I don't post on most stories I read because they use the same plot over instead of thinking up a new one and this one had me engrossed....I just had to read it all the way....IT was AMAZING! I understand (i think) that it was suppose to be little snipes here and there but omg! it was good....AMAZING! You have a talent that's sooooooo great! LOVE IT! you should continue to write your that good! *GUSHES* *coughs* soooo yea I just thought you should know LOL...
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