
Apr 17, 2011 08:06

Overnight I picked up sore throat crud. Came down here to cafe to get hot tea and check on e-mail from my brother, but will probably go back to bed. At some point soon I need to make it to a local funeral home affiliate and sign some paperwork to release my mom's body for cremation ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

tabaqui April 17 2011, 16:18:44 UTC
Bleh. Perhaps it is allergy stuff? If you're allergic. I know myself and the Bebe have done nothing but sniff, sneeze, swallow tenderly and drip indiscriminately for the past two weeks.

Hope you feel better very soon.
Still here, still listening.


herself_nyc April 17 2011, 17:05:20 UTC
Good luck to you.


lobelia321 April 17 2011, 17:16:38 UTC
Hang on in there, Eliade, and take care of yourself. *tons of hugs*


ruthless1 April 17 2011, 18:18:02 UTC
There are strawberries waiting for you if you want them. Or raspberries if that seems tastier. If you lived here I would make you a very nice cup of hot tea with lemon.


the_larch April 17 2011, 21:32:33 UTC
*hugs* Just all the *hugs*.


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