Well, it's been ages since my last update, but I've finally found some time to iconise again. That, and everything on Mr Morgoth is up and running. Which is good. XD
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Chris de Burgh lyrics!? That is so teh bomb! I once had all the music I could find by him and was a big fan, but that was long ago and far away. Must check and see what's out of his on CD these days. At any rate, made off with the roses and the LOTR ones, and will credit if used. Keep up the good work! :)
Apparently, my mother was a Chris deBurgh fan when she was younger, and she bought a few CD's of his two years ago or so, when she saw them in a sale somewhere. That's when I first heard his songs (although I already knew Lady in Red), and decided that he really, really rocked. His lyrics rule completely; they're probably the only 'ballads' I can actually listen to and enjoy. XD
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*runs off to figure out best way to advertise elicons's lovely iconses*
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