questions and answers

Aug 11, 2009 22:33

1) I understand that in today's information age, there are lots of ways to express yourself online. So I'm asking anyone that still reads this and would like me to be able to follow their life, please tell me the means by which I should do so. In other words, if you update facebook more than anything else, tell me to watch your facebook page. I' ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

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eliggy August 16 2009, 14:09:30 UTC
1) Which blog would that be? =)

2) Yes, it's true... at least with the Volt you can continue with gas. I heard that with gas it's sposed to get like, 100 mpg... I wonder...

4) That is true... the EverGreen community thing right? I'm not so sure I like those ones, though they are very eco friendly.


amienowheels August 12 2009, 05:44:10 UTC
1) Facebook sort of, Twitter sort of. I'm considering a new blog that I've set up but haven't posted to yet - a work in progress for the moment - I'll post on LJ when I have finished my incomplete thought on it :)

4) I am afraid of property commitment. Power to you.

5) I went to a county fair in Montana with Brian and I loved it. It was only like 1/6 the size of the NC state fair... which I will miss. Again. Sad!


eliggy August 16 2009, 14:11:49 UTC
1) oh oh let me know when/if you post to it and what it is =)

4) I am too! ... Even the whole process scares me. I've been trying to do it without a realtor so far. We'll see if I stick with that or get one or perhaps my parents would help me. (They've done almost all buying/selling w/o a realtor)

5) I am happy you like fairs too! Oh the food... =)


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eliggy August 16 2009, 14:19:09 UTC
1) I have yet to create a twitter account... I think if I did all I'd do is watch other people and rarely make a comment myself.. but who knows.

3... etc.) That was interesting! Thanks for the response =) I completely forgot about the idea that different countries might have different dominating networks.


salchichatu August 14 2009, 23:16:31 UTC
1) You are in my RSS feed so I still read your LJ! I don't blog here anymore, but I do post at But you Probably already knew that! I also post on Twitter and Facebook pretty regularly, 'cause I'm lame.

2) One of my co-workers just got a Volt. He likes it. That's all I can say about that.


eliggy August 16 2009, 14:21:25 UTC
1) Yay! I think my problem is I haven't found an RSS reader I like yet so I don't look at RSS hardly at all... I might look into google reader again cause I want something that I can look at no matter where I'm at - work, home (on my laptop), home (on my PC). I'll have to find one so I can keep up with you guys better!

2) You should ask him if he would like to give it away. For free. =)


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