Entries within the same continuity are listed in chronological order.
Fandom: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
None of these fics comply with TOR canon.
Savior (Complete) (Rating: Teen)
The war with the Mandalorians is raging across the galaxy. Mala Noor, also known as Revan, has led the Republic in countless victories. Her leadership is put to the test, however, when she discovers an ancient threat that could destroy the galaxy. With only her oldest friends to aid her, she must embark in a search for the truth before all that she has worked to protect is lost.
Drama, no pairings. Written for the
biowarebang 2011 challenge. Contains spoilers for both games and serves as an introduction to one of my major groups of enemies. It is recommended that you read what is available of the main four stories (currently only Some People Change) before reading this.
Chapter 1: The Archive Unit Chapter 2: Korriban Chapter 3: The Dark Side Chapter 4: The Rakatan Infinite Empire Chapter 5: Mandalore and Malachor Chapter 6: The Aftermath (FINAL CHAPTER) Some People Change (Incomplete) (Rating: Teen)
Catra Nasan, wanted smuggler, has finally been caught. Faced with the danger of prosecution, she takes a deal that sets a series of events into motion that could turn the tide of the war against Darth Malak and his Sith armies.
General action/adventure, LSF/Carth. The first in my KOTOR-verse series. A novelization of KOTOR 1 that doesn't actually require knowledge of the game to be understood.