Drabble Meme

Oct 14, 2008 22:02

The first 5 people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from me. You don't have to post this to your own journal! (unless you really want to) Post all fandoms you're willing to write for. A prompt would be lovely :)

Nicked from the lovely luxuria-oceanus!

More info under the ( cut... )

drabble, meme

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Comments 5

ria_simplelove October 15 2008, 20:21:39 UTC

(and if you could do doctor/rose if not above, that'd be heaven (: thnx :D)


luxuria_oceanus October 16 2008, 02:36:55 UTC
How about some Jack/Gwen love? But by love, I mean fluff. Not quite smut, but sort of teasing yummy Jack/Gwen interaction. Prompt? 'Pajamas' I don't know why, I just had the cutest picture of Gwen in pajamas... but you can steer from the prompt if you like!


elinor_godwin November 24 2008, 00:33:18 UTC
Okay... finished this one!


carly_took October 16 2008, 04:05:44 UTC
I'd like to third the request on the J/G. There is just way too little of it going around at the moment and it needs more love.

But if you'd like something other than Jack/Gwen, maybe some Gwen/Ianto would be nice too. As for prompts, maybe Ianto making Gwen some coffee and them having a small chat on that sofa, which could lead to whatever you'd like, a cuddle or maybe even smut. I've just seen way too much Gwen/Ianto that's Ianto having hate!sex with Gwen for revenge so I'd like to see something a bit nicer because I think it suits them.


karaokegal October 22 2008, 18:09:52 UTC
Jack/Gwen, Prompt-This is the sound of my soul.

But it looks like EVERYONE wants Jack/Gwen, so if you're burning out on that, how about

Jack/Original Capt. Jack, Prompt-Flying away on a wing and a prayer.


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