well...no shit...i'm alive...just!
Hoaw is everyone???? Good i hope...when i fix my computer at home it will become a lot easier for me to get online.
Uni is insane...i was working hard even over the holidays...i use the term holidays loosely as i was at uni every day. At the moment i'm building a 1:20 scale model of a house i designed. Ummm not much i could say here will be of any interest to most so i'll leave it at the fact that if i'm not at work, i'm at uni.
you may remember me saying a while ago that i had a crush on a guy who had a girlfriend...well that crush grew...and little did i know but he'd been smitten with me since day 1 and his relationship had been on very rocky ground for months. Well we had an end of term uni pub crawl and we both drunkenly told each other how we felt and that despite our better judgment we were both hooked and he kissed me. I told him he had to forget me when deciding about his girlfriend cos i didnt want him regretting anything...well he disappeared off the face of the earth until i rang him because i had his sunglasses and he came to uni to pick them up. This is when he told me that he'd lost my number and gotten it off a mutual friend Aynsley...funny story. Aynsley saved my number wrong and it turned out that he gave Scott (the boy) a different Mel's number...his fiance's best friend's number...so he was messaging that number and eventually left a voice mail asking if i wanted to meet up. The other Mel rang back and explained what happened...so i thought he just needed some space (as you do after ending a long term relationship and trying to find a new place to live) and he thought i was ignoring him. AAAAANYway...he messaged me later that night and we went out for a few games of pool and hooked up again...so yeah...nearly a month on we've gotten our shit together and are now "official"...he's lovely. I feel horrible about the way we hooked up but he said even if i wasn't around he would have broken up with her anyway as neither of them were happy. I'm well and truly smitten.
* I set nick up with a girl from uni and they're still together...so yes i can be mature.
*We finally found a new housemate...he's a little dodgy but generally a cool and cruisey guy...except that he gave Scott "The Talk"...you know the "look after her or me and Will will kill you" talk...but he was off tap and barely remembers it and is very sorry. Plus he'd barely finished saying "or ill kill you" before he offered scott drugs...i dragged scott out of the house before he could get harrased any more...poor boy. "Hi these are the freaks i live with...it's a sunday night, they're both off tap, and one is threatening to kill you!" fuck!...he took it really well!
*i totalled/wrote off/totally fucked my car 3 weeks ago. My beautiful 5 litre V8 Calais is no more. I hate being carless...it sucks and i loooooove my car. I might be getting a Jeep Wrangler tho so that could be cool. First i have to repair myself tho. I sprained my spinal column in the crash and lost 80% of movement in my back and one hip is 3 inches higher than the other....and i thought i was just being soft and the physio would just tell me to get a massage...wrong! At least i get these really strong painkillers that make everything happy!!!
*Breckan my cat got a cold...i didnt know that was possible but apparently it is ($75 bucks later)
so yeah nothing majorly exciting has been happening.
Keep it cruisey guys