Rebooting a bit, just to clear out some continuity (mostly Nexus continuity), along with some in universe events and such that happened, just for simplicity's sake and to get me writing again.
Timeline and events
Episodes Awakening through A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time occur.
Revelations and
The Cage occur.
The Mirror occurs. It differs most noticeably in the
conclusion variations of the remaining episodes, up through The Journey, some of which are categorized under the
Memories tag, occur. Some differ significantly, some are largely the same.
---Notable variations:
1) Elisa is made second-in-command during the events of Upgrade.
2) Elisa and Goliath become mates shortly after the return from Avalon.
3) And more as I rework some of this out.
which puts Elisa somewhere in mid-late 1996, or roughly where the SLG comic picked up.