Behind a cut because it's long....
ok so whats your name? Stacy
have you ever...
wanted to die? yes
made smores? yes (but I don't like them)
cheated on a test? yes
wished upon a star? yes
prank called? yes
used up 10 bottles of silly string? No
cried in front of your crush or bf/gf? yes
missed someone so much your heart hurt? yes
beaten someone up? no
have been beaten up? I hate this question
not gone to the bathroom for longer than a week? uhhh, no, I can hold it a long time, but not that long!
won an award? yes
kissed someone in the rain? yes
kissed somone in the snow? no
kissed someone while playing truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven, etc.? yes
been hit my lightning? no
almost drowned? yes
bought a lava lamp? Yes
your love life...
are you single, in a relationship, married etc.? married
are you straight, bi, homosexual etc.? Straight
if your taken, what is their name? James
if you're single do you have someone in mind? n/a
who? n/a
are you IN love? yes
have you ever been in love? Yes
do you love someone? yes
how far have you gone, first, second, third, home plate? well... I'm married...
random questions...
so how is this quiz so far? I'll keep Donna's answer, it's a time killer
honestly? yes
that bad.. really? no
so, do you own a cell phone? yes
an iPod? No
do you have AIM or any other instant messenger? Yes
if so, whats your screen name? not sure I want to answer that
do you have a myspace? No
livejournal? Yes
xanga? No
any of those other journal things? No
whats your favorite restraunt? Fiesta Grande, anywhere Italian
favorite food? pasta with red sauces
favorite drink? Pepsi
how many closets do you have in your room? Two
how about in your house? 8
is your phone ringing right now? no
what time is it right now? 2:58 pm
what kind of computer do you own? HP Pavillion
so i have to ask..
do you like cheese? yes
whats your favoirte kind of cheese? provolone
what are you listening to right now? some playstation game's music
are you eating anything? I just had crackers
do you like febreeze? sometimes
when was the last time you...
burped? I don't know, probably within the last hour
laughed? this morning
showered? this morning
went to the bathroom? about 3 hours ago
vacumed? last night
went to school? years ago
cried? this morning
turned on a light? this morning
threw something away? this morning
did the dishes? an hour ago
did the laundry? laundry is my life, I'm doing it now
talked on the phone and who with? this morning, my mother
flunked a test? never ever
aced a test? when I was in college
broke something? I broke a handle on my laundry basket last week
went swimming? last summer
went on a date? I don't know
had sex..?
ate something? crackers, about 15 minutes ago
this or that...
powerade or gatorade? Gatorade
sushi or chicken? chicken
IM or TV? both
MP3 or radio? radio
going on a date, or hanging out with your frineds? it depends, probably friends
group or just the two of you (dating)? depends
yahoo or hotmail? yahoo
1% or 2% milk? skim when I have it, but I honestly don't like milk
south park or the simpsons? South Park
mary kate or ashley (HA)? I don't care
BSB or N*sync? (HA)? N Sync
dog or cat? Dog
french fries or potato chips? potato chips are my weakness
cola softdrinks or lemon lime softdrinks? Cola
mellow yellow or mt. dew? probably Mt Dew
panera or frishes? Panera
eating out or in? depends
crayons or colored pencils? crayons
Mondays or Sundays? Mondays
Saturdays or Fridays? NOT FRIDAYS
summer or fall? summer
spring or winter? winter
TV or reading? reading
newport or kenwood? Is it bad that I don't know what this means?
this is a this, this, or that question... sex, rock and roll, or drugs? rock and roll.....or drugs? Depends on the drug:D