Title: No Excuses
Character: Hurley
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to 3.22/23 “Through the Looking Glass”
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Dedication: For
lostsquee Luau Queen
cmonkatiekatie, who wanted drabbles. This is exactly 100 words. :)
He did it because he wanted to help, needed to prove he could. They were his friends too, down in the station, back at the beach, climbing the hill.
His life had been plagued by bad luck and he had held himself responsible for so many awful things, injuries and death and destruction.
It doesn’t sink in until much later that he can’t blame what he did - running down that man, that Other - on bad luck.
He killed him on purpose.
What scares him most is not that he did it, but that he’s not at all sorry.