Title: Chat Chat Instant Messenger (Chat 3)
Pairing: GTOP
Rating: PG
Summary: Jiyong and Seunghyun chatting online
Disclaimer: This is all fiction
Chat 3 (using the cell phone app)
gluvdragon: Hyung 3:32
gluvdragon: Hyung! 3:32
gluvdragon: Hyunnie!! 3:32
Turtleturtle: :) Yes pookie wookie how may I help you 3:33
gluvdragon: Hyunnie where are we eating for lunch??
It's driving me crazy... 3:34
Turtleturtle: Pookie you are sitting two people down
from me why don't you just come up to me and ask;) 3:34
gluvdragon: You know I can't do that pabo... 3:34
Turtleturle: Why not lol....;) 3:34
gluvdragon: because... 3:35
Turlteturtle: because what...? 3:35
gluvdragon: You know why....lol 3:36
Turtleturtle: No I don't know why please tell me pookie 3:36
gluvdragon: If I ask you in front of Dae and Tae they will
want to come to lunch too...and I just want it...to be us 3:37
Turtleturtle: AAAaiiiiiigggooooo my pookie wookie wants
me all to himself :) 3:37
gluvdragon: Ye yeea :) 3:37
Turtleturtle: Pookie? 3:38
gluvdragon: Yes hyunnie??? 3:38
Turtleturtle: Can you please pick a color and stick with
it...it's hurting my eyes with your vibrant color choices 3:38
Turtleturtle: btw the colors are so lovely it hurts baby :) :) 3:39
gluvdragon: Omo baby sorry I will stick to this color
good for your eyes :) 3:39
Turtleturtle: Thank you baby...aww I'm sad our break is
almost over...if only we had a couple more minutes??? 4:00
gluvdragon: Lol Hyunnie you want me to make our break
longer?? If the break is longer the longer we have to wait
for lunch...you really want to wait longer?? 4:00
Turtleturtle: but I really like talking to my little squirrel. 4:00
gluvdragon: Okay okay five more minutes. Let me announce
it real quick. 4:01
Turtleturtle: Thanks for saying that baby. Did you see the Lotte
film making video with us :) 4:01
gluvdragon: Oh you mean the commercial where you grabbed
me any chance you could get on that flying carpet...btw you
drove me crazy I had no idea that you liked me hahaha 4:02
Turtleturtle: Oh yea it was the perfect opportunity to touch
you little hips. It was so nice on the carpet next to you ;) 4:03
gluvdragon: Well now that I know that you like me everything
now makes sense: Btw you looked nice in your outfit. 4:03
Turtleturtle: thank you baby...your turban was too cute
I just wanted to poke my little pookie wookie. 4:04
gluvdragon: If only people knew how much you call your lovers
Pookie 4:05
Turtleturtle: You like it :) 4:05
gluvdragon: Yes I do 4:05
Turtleturtle: that's all that matters :) 4:06
gluvdragon: sorry hyunnie but I have to start practice again :( 4:06
Turtleturtle: Awww really...5 more minutes :) 4:07
gluvdragon: I will if you tell me about this secret lunch :) 4:08
Turtleturtle: Hmmm can you keep a secret? 4:08
gluvdragon: Yessssss I can ^______________^ 4:08
Turtleturtle: Well so can I lol...see you at lunch baby 4:09
(Turtleturtle is now away)
gluvdragon: not this again...don't be surprised when I punch your
shoulder in 2 secs.... 4:09
(Sorry but Turtleturtle is away any messages will be seen Turtleturtle
comes back)
**Hey sorry it took long for a update. I have been swamped in papers. Comments are love :) Do you still like the story??