Dearest, the batteries on the phone were running on near empty by the time I got the message. I should probably keep the ringer on too. It seems to be the night for teary upsetness with people though, as there has been quite a bit of it in Burlington too. Anyways, I don't have to work today so give me a call when you're free and we'll chat a bit (as I have no actual plan at all). Glad things are a bit better, truely though, because I was a bit freaked when I got the actual message and couldn't do a thing about it.
Dearest, How often are you in the North Country. It happens that I'm thinking to be there the first weekend in June, to hang w/ my sister & hitch home w/ her to B'town, where she'll be spending the summer. Perhaps un rendez-vous? Ou bien faut-il qu'j'm'trouve a Buffalo?
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