1. There has been a fair bit of... consternation regarding the fact that River used up all of her regenerations to save the Doctor.
Now, having thought about it, I’m afraid this was the only way of doing it, because otherwise... Otherwise death would stop having any kind of meaning for the two of them. If River can use regeneration energy to bring the Doctor back from final death, then what would stop her from doing it on the beach? Or in the Library?
The fact that the price for bringing someone back to life is so enormous ensures that the deaths we have seen (the Doctor’s on the beach, River’s in the Library) are final. And in a ‘verse like this, where all kinds of things are constantly shifting and ‘reversing the poliarity of the neutron flow’ can magically sort stuff out, some things need to be unalterable.
So - it’s not about a woman sacrificing everything for her man, but about ensuring that this fix-it will only work *once*!
2. It only recently struck me that Mels, talking about how the Titanic sank 'because the Doctor didn't save it' and how Hitler rose to power 'because the Doctor didn't stop him' was actually also talking about herself. How could the Doctor be ~good~ when he didn’t save her? (Plus, of course, he was late for Amy - twice...)
Interestingly this adds revenge to her motives, and means that she’s not just a dummy - she knows what she’s doing. And I think she uses the ‘psychopath’ label as a way of hiding, to be honest. The Doctor knows who she is and what’s she been trained for, and she doesn’t want to reveal anything about herself, or the terrified child she once was (and still is, inside).
But then comes the ending, and... here, let me show you:
Layer the first: River realises, that - unlike what she’s been told - the Doctor is... just a man. I don’t think it’s an accident that these two scenes mirror each other so perfectly. We have someone hostile (someone who’s hurt (or tried to hurt) the person in question) and all the hurt one can do is beg for help.
- The strange astronaut that killed the Doctor turns out to be a lost child.
- The allpowerful Doctor - who can make an army turn at the mention of his name - turns out to be just a man, as helpless and desperate as Melody once was.
And I think this cuts right to the heart of their relationship. To quote the podcast for ‘Forest of the Dead’, when they’re talking about the scene where River whispers the Doctor’s name in his ear:
Moffat: And I have to say, David, I think your performance in this is astonishing. There are two bits that are brilliant. It’s this, where you’re just flung back to being a man - you’re just an ordinary bloke for a minute - and this bit here where you shoulder the Doctor again… There we are, the mask back on!
RTD: You see how much the Doctor is-
Moffat: -is surface
RTD: -a pose
Melody/River knows that despite all her cleverness and brilliance, she's really very lost and unsure - and then she discovgers that he is no different... I think this is a great part of why she brings him back, and the reason she treats him the way she does in their relationship. It’s not just that they’re equals in skill and ability etc, it’s that the reason she falls for him is not the fact that he’s amazing - it’s the fact that he’s ordinary. She’s not swept away by the mysterious alien in his impossible spaceship, she is won over by the man begging for help when he can’t even stand.
In many ways they both wear masks - ‘The Doctor’ and ‘River Song’ are chosen names, identities they put on, larger than life characters both brilliant and enigmatic.
But underneath that... they are just a man and a woman. And that? Is what makes them amazing.
Layer the second: It only struck me when I put it all together, but in both instances the answer is the same - the little girl is Melody [who is Mels] who is River... Plus, in both cases, the answer is: ‘You are going to be of infinite importance to me - but I can’t tell you that’. (I am your child from the future/you are my wife from the future...)
Questions - and answers (not given), the way time streams collide and one mishap will make everyone go under. (I’m not really going anywhere with all this, it’s all just very shiny and awesome and clever and I love it.)
The rest of this belongs 100% to Promethia - I presume she won’t mind me sharing her awesome insights. Because oh, questions:
The Silence is not a species. It is a religious order, or movement. Their core belief is that silence will fall when the question is asked.
What question?
The first question. The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight.
Yes, but what is the question?
Now look at this:
You are Amelia Pond.
You're ugly, has anyone mentioned that to you?
We do you honour. You will bring the Silence. But your part will soon be over.
Me thinks that Amy will be the one to ask the Question...
And a final thought: Melody/River is rapidly becoming the Girl Who Searched:
"I have the strangest feeling she's going to find us . . ."
"Took me years to find you two--I'm so glad I did."
"Find River Song."
"To be perfectly honest, professor, I'm looking for a good man."
This is a beautiful contrast to her parents (The Girl and Boy Who Waited), and also something to cheer those who think her narrative has been overtaken by the Doctor. He doesn’t say ‘You are River’ he says ‘Find her’. Who River Song is, is up to River to decide.
(Now as for Night Terrors then I was looking forward to a nice, uncomplicated Monster of the Week kind of episode, where I could just sit back and enjoy and let the meta rest for a week. Ha! It was ALL metaphor. ALL OF IT. Which was lovely, but I’ll need a little while to sort through my thoughts. I mean - it was also DELIGHTFUL and FULL OF ELEVENTY and I very much enjoyed that too. But it’s the meta which is eating my head... Plus, I'm horribly behind on so much!)