Not a review.
promethia_tenk summed up this episode rather well:
I think it was perfectly good TV. It just wasn't particularly good Doctor Who. And you know what I do with most perfectly good TV? I watch it, go 'ok, that was pretty good,' and then I go about my life and never think about it again.
I think I pretty much agree with this. If you think that’s harsh, then that is, almost, the point of the episode. To quote Phil Sandifer (
review here - read it, it's very good):
[…] it certainly feels like a Doctor-lite episode, sharing their structural trick of treating a Doctor Who story as a defined thing happening inside another story. But where those stories put the Doctor into a very different sort of story, here he’s put into a found footage horror film. The result, very cleverly, is a story that gradually unravels into two separate stories, with the Doctor falling out of the narrative instead of slowly overtaking it.
It’s literally Doctor Who ending up in the wrong story. Seeing our heroes ‘from the outside’ to begin with, the amusing arguments about ‘space’ as a pre-fix come across as incredibly jarring. (Funny though! And I liked how that was done very much.) But mostly, ‘Doctor Who’ was not a very good fit with this story - which was neat in its own way, and the ending was clever.
But I really have nothing at all to say about it. Bethany Black was good. (In as much as I could see her.) Quoting Shakespeare is always neat. I’ve been humming Mr Sandman all week.
Mostly my thoughts are: ‘Face the Raven looks AMAZING!!!’
So - bring on Saturday. :)