From pinkrabbit to my house: 5 minutes, 1.68 miles. left off oak, left on troy, right on westminster, right on broadway, right on valley, i'm 1.3 miles down on valley, on the right. of course, those directions i just reversed from my house to there, so if there's one ways that might not work. i was assuming you were walking. ok! hope you can come! feel free to come BEFORE seven too, marissa and i will be here. xo!
Comments 3
You cant fail, you know me
left off oak, left on troy, right on westminster, right on broadway, right on valley, i'm 1.3 miles down on valley, on the right. of course, those directions i just reversed from my house to there, so if there's one ways that might not work. i was assuming you were walking. ok! hope you can come! feel free to come BEFORE seven too, marissa and i will be here. xo!
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