Someday I swear I'll get these up without any delay of any kind. Dx Apologies again, guys - there were some massive technical difficulties on my end.
'Rules' (which is a term that is very loosely used):
+ Must be Eli Stone related (any character, any pairing).
+ Any length, though - as this is a fic comm - should be fic format (drabble, ficlet, oneshot, multi-chapter, epic saga, etc.).
+ Prompts open to all - no claiming required (likewise, do as many as you want).
+ Post anywhere as long as a link is posted in ESF.
+ Unofficial 'due date' is May 1 (as new table will be up then), but if you stumble upon these a year from now 'n find one that inspires you have at it. (Likewise, if you're still working on one/some from last month, feel free to keep at it.)
* All images were found using either Veer, Google Image Search, or deviantART.