Challenge #13 - 6 layers or less
Your icon needs to have 6 layers or less (including base image).
If you are using a program without layers, please try to make sure you don't make changes/add things more than 6 times.
- You can make up to 3 icons
- Icons must be 100x100px and under 40kb
- Icons must be new for this challenge, and made by you
- Icons must be from medical dramas (
List of medical dramas)
- You have to be a member to enter, but anyone can vote :)
- Post your icons as a new post with both IMG and links, tag with your username
- No spoilerish icons before a week as passed after the episode aired
- All effetcs except animation is allowed
- Icons are due Sunday, 20th November, 8 PM GMT+1 -
Current time Application post Suggest a challenge If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :)