name: ray martinez.
age: 21.
location: carbondale, IL.
1. top 5 bands:
in no particular order: black sabbath, the cure, cap'n jazz, naked city, the firebird band.
2. top 5 movies:
in no particular order: koroshi no rakuin, bande à part, baisers volés, charade, odishon.
3. 5 words you constantly use:
effing, bloody, proper, unadulterated, brutal.
4. why are you better than everyone else?
A: i commisioned an oil potrait of point break era patrick swayze. B: if you really like something, then chances are ive either outgrown it or hate it.
oh! and guitar wolf likes my band.
5. why do you deserve to be here?
because i can shit more creatively than most people can think to arrange words, paint, or exist.
6. how do you show you really are elite?
by maintaining a general air of disgust about me at all times.
7. if you had 50 dollars would you give a bum a couple bucks?
sure, if he was trying to drink his homelessness away. otherwise id just get him a sandwich.
8. will you cry if you dont get in?
like a little french girl.
9. what is something you live by everyday?
"I never blow my nose with paper."
10. if you were an animal, what kind would you be? why?
a honey badger. theyre the only animal that instinctively lunges for the reproductive area, as opposed to the jugular, when in a confrontation. and thats pretty sweet.
11. what kind of shoes do you wear?
the kind that match my clothes.
12. if you had a puppy what would you name it? why?
i wouldnt. animals dont have names.
13. compare yourself to someone famous (movie star, musician, fictional character, historical figure). why?
stephane mallarme: he was more difficult and obscure than his contemporaries.
14. what's your favorite body part?
my skin. its open to artistic interpretation.
15. what's your most prized possession?
16. any special talents?
i can make art that will sell for over $200 in under 3 hours. artistic rendering of myself circa 2 years ago.) only picture of me i currently have on the intertron besides my LJ icon.)