name; Andrew Chilton
age; 23
location; St. Pete
1. top 5 bands do not mention the beatles, everyone knows they're amazing and it's just typical! Cake, Iron Maiden, The Stryder, Blaster the Rocketboy, Pink Floyd
2. top 5 movies: Highway, Gangs of New York, Ferris Buellers Day Off, The Exorcist, Boondock Saints
3. 5 words you constantly use. Fuck, Pimp, Rad, Psyche, Rockin
4. why are you better than everyone else? Fuckin look at me
5. why do you deserve to be here? because im better than you
6. how do you show you really are elite? im the one you think about in your dreams
7. if you had 50 dollars would you give a bum a couple bucks? hell no
8. who is your favorite author and why? henry david thoreau, he helped start transendentalism- we are nothing
9. what is something you live by everyday? Not caring what people think of me
10. if you were an animal, what kind would you be? why? A rabbit, they fuck like crazy
11. what kind of shoes do you wear? lakai
12. if you had a puppy what would you name it? why? I wouldnt have a puppy, animals suck
13. compare yourself to someone famous (movie star, musician, fictional character, historical figure). why? Why would I want to be compared to someone else, Im going to be fuckin famous, and they're going to be compared to me.
14. what's your favorite body part? eyes
15. what's your most prized possession? Music
16. any special talents? No