
Mar 13, 2005 15:27


name: teylor
gender: lady
age: fifteen
hobbies/interests: listening to music, chillen wit mah homies, ddr.
describe your personality: I'm a complete nerd. reading is my life. I own at ddr. I tend to fall over a lot. it's unfortunate.
describe your style: I wear things I'm comfortable in. bright shirts, jeans, hoodie, ballet shoes on a typical day.


favorite color: green
favorite song: I can't pick just one.
favorite band: fear before the march of flames<3
favorite movie: fight club
favorite tv show: sabrina the teenage witch
favorite lollipop flavor: cherry
favorite word/phrase: "quite" and "I must say"


least favorite color: brown
least favorite song: 1-2 step. it gets annoying.
least favorite band: I don't know, there isn't a specific band I "hate"
least favorite movie: there's this one movie that had absolutely no point and I hated it, but I can't remember which one it was.
least favorite tv show: I want a famous face
what are some things that really just irritate you?: people who kill animals for their own petty desires


-tell us one random fact about yourself: I care more about animals' lives than I do about human nutrition.

Why did Ava cross the road?: to get away from a chicken.

who inspires you?: my best friend, Danyelle

do you think you will be accepted?: well I suppose it just depends on what you think of me, so unless you really dislike me, I think I will

what characteristics do you dislike in others?: selfish, conceited, shallow, ignorance

in what two different communities did you reccomend us?: well the promotion banner isn't working for me right now, but I will promote once it does

-pick three of the following topics, and tell us your thoughts-

organized religion:
homosexual relationships: I don't understand why some people are so against them. Love is love. It knows no gender. As it knows no race, age or religion. I think that everyone has a right to be happy, and if that means being with another girl or another man, then they have that right.
illegal substances:
premarital sex:
rating communities:
suicide/self injury:
the death penalty:
plastic surgery: I personally would not get plastic surgery, because as much as I don't like the way I look, I feel better about myself being natural than being "plastic." I do understand, however, that some people are just so insecure with themselves, that they need it to be content. In that case, I understand why they would get the procedures. I think that people should try to be satisfied with what was given to them, though.
tattoos/piercings: Tattoos and piercings are just another form of self-expression. Although people are getting a lot of the same piercings these days, so it's pretty much just a trend. But I think they're pretty cool, and I plan on getting some once I can.

*Share with us your views on...*

adolf hitler: I think it's awful what he did to the Jews. But one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, right? I don't see how he could be a freedom fighter, but I guess some people viewed him as so.
gay rights: Again, I don't see why people care. As long as someone is happy, I don't think it's fair to tell them they can't get married just because they're with someone of the same sex. And if they're saying "marriage is a sacrament and god is against homosexuality," then they can get over it, because you can get married without it being religious.
animal disection: Ugh. It disgusts me. I hate the fact that they kill animals, just so children who aren't even going to remember it years from now can "learn."
vanity: everyone is vain, some are just more comfortable with admitting it than others.
homeless people: I feel terrible for them. Especially the ones with disabilities and handicaps. Whenever I see a homeless person on the street, I always give them change or a few dollars because it makes me feel so much better to know that I'm actually helping.

*wrapping it up*

why should we accept you?: because I'm honest and I tell it like it is.
what will you do if you're denied?: apply somewhere else I suppose.
any last words?: "let's do coke like we're vacuums and dance our troubles away before we drive our cars off bridges"
who in this community are you most like?: I haven't really looked around, so I don't know.

PLEASE INCLUDE 4 CLEAR PHOTOS OF YOURSELF, one of which you have a picture of you holding a sign saying your LJ username.

public bathroom photos are all the rage
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