Am I elite?

Oct 19, 2004 19:45

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Comments 11

_see_love_kill October 20 2004, 01:55:43 UTC
--- you didnt do a lj cut
+++++++++++Hawthorne heights<33333
++ i liked you opinions
+++ and your cute


mytainteddreams October 20 2004, 02:05:37 UTC
the only bad thing i can say about your app. is that it wasnt under a cut.
but other then that i really liked it and your really pretty so you get a yes


ex_deep_red_57 October 20 2004, 02:40:36 UTC
you are very pretty. (nose job, puh-lease! dont do it!)

you also seem well read, very well thought out opinions.

Survey says.... yes.


angieshotwheels October 20 2004, 13:02:11 UTC
moving back to ohio +10
bands +15 for pink floyd

guess the rest is irrelevant cause you're cute =D



ooonicholeooo October 20 2004, 15:09:14 UTC
Whoa! Thanks everyone! I'm sorry I didn't post it right! I was confused about all that. I still really don't know how to post it right....yeah I feel dumb.... =/


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