Challenge #24
Chloe Sullivan
Been a bit since we've done a character, huh? Well, this time it's Chloe! Images are up to you. You can use any promo, still, cap out there. However, I am going to say that you cannot use screencaps AFTER episode 10.11; Icarus as to keep from potential spoilers. I've provided you with some links where you can find plenty of images to work with. :D RULES
- Your icon(s) must fit the LJ standards, meaning 100x100 pixels and 40kb or less, in JPG/GIF/PNG format.
- All blending, texture and stock image use is permitted.
- Please submit your icons in a new post as an IMG SRC and a URL and don't forget to tag your entry with your username.
- You can enter up to 4 icons this time.
- The deadline for this challenge is Saturday, February 5.