Hi there!
This is a post with promo codes. The comm is new and we'd like to spread the word about it. The Doctor Who fandom is really huge so, hopefully, people we'll be interested:)
We'd be VERY thankful if you promote
elitetardis using either these codes or just by telling your friends about it:) More people, more fun, right?:)
promo #1
elite icon community for the legendary tv show Doctor Who
elitetardis |
elitetardis http://i.imgur.com/kbboS.png">
elite icon community for the legendary tv show Doctor Who
| http://elitetardis.livejournal.com/490.html">APPLY | http://elitetardis.livejournal.com/profile">INFO | promo # 2 (bannerless)
elitetardiselite icon community for the legendary tv show Doctor Who
elitetardis |
elite icon community for the legendary tv show Doctor Who
| http://elitetardis.livejournal.com/490.html">APPLY | http://elitetardis.livejournal.com/profile">INFO |