Eclare Fall Frenzy Full Update!

Sep 05, 2010 01:02

The Whole Month of Events!!

Last Eclare Scene standing

(This is any scene with Eclare and Eclare only.. no third party) Every Sunday till the week of the premier

Best Eclare Video

This must be at least 1 minute long and no more than 4 minutes long. Has be about only about Eclare again no third party. One video per person, per account.

DUE: Friday October 1st.

Videos will be judge on these things:

Best song

Best Edit

Most views (must be posted on youtube... unless youtube wont let you post it because of copyright issue..then either upload it to my send-space, I will give you the pass word... and I will send you the links for the Eclare scenes..or you can post it on Vimeo..)

Most creative


You must give credit to the artist like this


Artist:or singer


Name:The name you want us to give credit to. Either your name, nickname or your LJ account.

Must be yours.. no stealing someone else's video please..

Judges will be viewers of the channel

Reminders every Wednesday(send to either my email which I will post or through a LJ message)

Best Drabble.

(no less 100 words and no more than 250. I will count so please stay in these guidelines)

DUE:Thursday Sept. 30th.

Drabble must include:


A title with no more than 10 words

Story must be inspired by a song (it can be any song and any part of that song)
Remember: You can submit as many drabbles as you want as long as it is a TOTAL of 250 words...

Reminders: every Wednesday (send to either my email which I will post or through a LJ message)

Caption Tuesday.

I will post a picture and you add you own caption..

Wish Right Now Saturdays/Thursdays

Basically what you want or wish will happen with Eclare in the new episode... this where we can talk about new promos out or spoilers that have come out..

What is it? Mondays

(A blurred pic of Eclare and you have to tell us the scene and episode it came from..)

Eclare Love! Open 09/05/10-10/07/10

First post will be why do you love Eclare... it can be as as short or as long as you want. Open all month long.. and the best ones will be put into a Eclare appreciation video...along with fave scenes pics and quotes.. to be posted on October 8th.


Will be posted on the 8th. For the Drabble and video.

Question/Concerns: Email me at or message me here on LJ.

Have Fun!

That is the only requirement of this whole month. Just celebrate Degrassi's cutest couple!!

P.S.. I suck at LJ cut so I am sorry if this is long.. if someone really has a problem with it and wants to copy and paste it under a cut that fine...

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