First update on my Day Zero Project! I've completed some of the tasks and hopefully I'll try and work hard this month too :)
01. Watch all of Hayao Miyazaki's films.
I watched Gake no ue no ponyo.
08. Watch at least 30 movies at the cinema in 2011.
I watched Hereafter & Love and the other drugs
09. Keep a list of all the films I watch or re-watch in 2011.
See the list here 13. Watch all movies on my 'MUST-WATCH' list. (9/68)
I watched Ratatouille, Le scaphandre et le papillon, Pan's Labyrinth. (
Full list here)
25. Keep a list of all the fics I'm reading or re-reading for a year.
See the list here 31. Get my savings account up to at least 6.000€.
I added 200 bucks.
50. Attend at least 10 concerts.
Went to K.Bhta's concert on February 12:
64. Send a card/letter through mail at least once/month.
74. Finish 100 Sudoku Puzzles.
I've finished 29 'till now.
92. Bake/make at least 30 different pies/desserts. (1/30)
I baked an apple pie a couple of weeks ago:
94. Try out all cold beverages of Starbucks.
I tried: Coffee Frappucino, Iced Caffe Americano.
95. Try out all hot beverages of Starbucks.
I tried: Caffe' Mocha
34. Buy Zimmer 483.
anachan87 got it for me :)
44. Buy a pair of really cute Asian shoes.
Finally got them through the second week of February:
45. Go to IKEA and finally buy stuff to make my room pretty.
Way too many pictures for this, but I did it :)
88. Get a short haircut or hair extensions.
I cut my hair on February 12th:
And here's the full list:
Task Completed
Task In Progress
Task Updated
.Watch - Read.
01. Watch all of
Hayao Miyazaki's films.
02. Watch all episodes of '
03. Watch all episodes of '
Full Metal Alchemist'
04. Watch all Lord of the Rings films in a day.
05. Watch all Harry Potter films.
06. Watch 5 films that I swore I'd never watch. (0/5)
07. Watch one new movie per day for a week.
08. Watch at least 30 movies at the cinema in 2011. (2/30)
(see list)09. Keep a list of all the films I watch or re-watch in 2011.
(see list)10. Watch all
'Studio Ghibli' films
11. Watch all episodes of '
The Inbetweeners'.
12. Watch all of
Christopher Nolan's films. (1/7)
13. Watch all movies on my '
MUST-WATCH' list. (9/68)
14. Go to the theater 10 times. (0/10)
15. Read 10 novels by Greek Authors.
.Neat & Organized.
16. Clean and organize my workplace (alone or with my father).
17. Keep my room tidy at all times for one month.
18. Organize a surprise party.
19. Organize a donation or save a good amount of money and donate it.
20. Organize all files of my hard drives.
21. Organize my music.
22. RIP all my CDs to MP3s.
23. Tag and organize my LJ entries.
24. Organize my e-mails & update my address on my online accounts.
25. Keep a list of all the fics I'm reading or re-reading for a year.
(see list)26. Leave a review for every fic I read for 3 (separate) weeks.
27. Finish translating all my fics.
.Serious Business.
28. Completely finish with my degree.
29. Drive the car daily for over a month.
30. Get my proficiency degree.
31. Get my savings account up to at least 6.000€.
32. Try as hard as possible to get a job.
33. Get my own debit card.
.Stuff to Buy.
34. Buy
Zimmer 483.
35. Spend more than 100€ on a shirt/top, a jacket, a pair of shoes and pants (0/4).
36. Buy luxury/sexy lingerie.
37. Buy something expensive for my parents.
38. Buy an iPod or Iphone.
39. Buy all Oasis albums.
40. Buy the
Friends Anniversary Box Set.
41. Buy a swimsuit I like.
42. Buy my family something nice for their birthday.
43. Buy all books recommended by my professor.
44. Buy a pair of these
really cute Asian shoes.
45. Go to IKEA and finally buy stuff to make my room pretty.
46. Buy a PS3/XBOX.
47. Buy something second-handed.
48. Buy new hard drives.
49. Go to at least one more Tokio Hotel concert.
50. Attend at least 10 concerts.
51. See Noel Gallagher live.
52. Listen to all of Coldplay's albums.
.Health & Fitness.
53. Become a size 8 and stay that way (currently size 12).
54. Drink at least 6 cups of water every day for two weeks.
55. Exercise every day for at least 1 hour for a week.
56. Don't consume any dairy products for a week.
57. Take a shower right after waking up for a week.
58. Find out exactly how much I weigh.
59. Don't snack at all for a week.
60. Do all of my knee-exercises twice a day for two weeks.
61. Brush my teeth three times a day for two weeks.
62. Take a long relaxing bath at least once per month for a year.
63. Go swimming at least 10 times.
.Send / Write.
64. Send a card/letter through mail at least once/month.
65. Write a "Thank You" letter to at least one online person and send it their way.
66. Send a beautiful letter/package to Roxanne.
67. Collect 100 different postcards.
68. Write a letter and send it to Tokio Hotel.
69. Travel to Poland.
70. Travel to Berlin.
71. Stay in another city/country for over a week.
72. Take a "weekend" trip.
.Fun & Personal.
73. Learn how to use Avid Media Composer, Adobe After Effects and Finalcut Pro (0/3)
74. Finish 100 Sudoku Puzzles.
75. Try out the whole 'nail-art' thingy at least 10 times.
76. Make something from scratch and give it as a gift to someone.
77. Get a pedicure.
78. Get a wax.
79. At least TRY to approach someone of the opposite sex.
80. Wear underwear you'd never usually wear for a month.
81. Purchase a bright pink bra and wear it in a way that's visible.
82. Go to a gay bar.
83. Wear a slutty outfit for a night.
84. Wear a swimsuit at the beach with nothing more covering my skin (if possible, I'm super sensitive to sun).
85. Get a new piercing.
86. Pierce both ears at least once more.
87. Get a tattoo.
88. Get a short haircut or hair extensions.
89. Get completely wasted for a night.
.Cooking - Food.
90. Make dinner for my family for a week.
91. Learn a recipe of at least 10 different countries.
92. Bake/make at least 30 different pies/desserts. (1/30)
93. Eat at a very fancy restaurant.
94. Try out all cold beverages of Starbucks.
95. Try out all hot beverages of Starbucks.
96. Order/try Chinese food.
97. Eat 10 stuff I'd never choose to eat in other circumstances.
.Project Related.
98. Save up 10€ for every goal I complete.
99. Take a picture of the tasks I complete (whenever possible).
100. Post my progress on LJ on a regular basis (once/month).
101. Make another 101/1001 list when this one is over and finish all failed tasks.
Date Started: Saturday, Jan. 8th 2011
Date Completed: Sunday, Oct. 6th 2013