
Mar 19, 2007 14:47

Thank you for the party last night, everyone. Now I officially feel 25 even though I am in fact 40. You're all wonderful!

And Peter, did you drink that scotch last night? There's an empty bottle in the bin.

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Comments 18

father_peter March 19 2007, 03:49:20 UTC
Happy Birthday the other day.

And no, it wasn't me.


elizabeth_long March 19 2007, 03:49:57 UTC
Thank you, Darling.

Are you sure, because it was Robert's and he said he didn't drink it.


father_peter March 19 2007, 03:50:20 UTC
Goddammit, Liz! I said it wasn't me so stop fucking hounding me.


elizabeth_long March 19 2007, 03:50:44 UTC
Okay then.


winters_love March 19 2007, 03:56:32 UTC
Ahem. Well, anyway, Happy birthday my gorgeous one.


elizabeth_long March 19 2007, 03:56:54 UTC
Thank you, Emma.


seminalsemiotic March 19 2007, 06:32:31 UTC
I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to the party last night, but I needed to prepare for something I'm helping Peter with today. I'm glad you have such a wonderful time, and felt so young. You deserve every bit of it *smiles* I love you, Liz.

Peter may be somewhat stressed about today. I am too, but it'll be alright.


elizabeth_long March 19 2007, 06:38:27 UTC
I love you too, Dear.

And he's not stressed. Well he is, but not up there. Up there he's lying to me, but that's okay. He always comes clean in the end.


seminalsemiotic March 19 2007, 06:53:45 UTC
Oh... well, I guess I should leave that between the two of you... I know you know what's best for our Peter.


empress_tasha March 19 2007, 06:34:12 UTC
I'm so glad you had fun! We all did our very best to make it a night you'll remember forever. You've been such a magnificent presence in our lives, and this was just one small way to show our love and appreciation for you. All of us.


elizabeth_long March 19 2007, 06:39:17 UTC
It was a fantastic party! And it was wonderful to spend it with all of you.


in_spectre_mors March 19 2007, 06:35:46 UTC
We haven't had the pleasure of meeting in person, but I would like to belatedly wish you the happiest of birthdays. It sounds like it was a good one.

- Adrian (Spectre)


elizabeth_long March 19 2007, 06:40:08 UTC
Hello! Yes, I saw you speaking with Peter. Nice to meet you, I'm Elizabeth.


in_spectre_mors March 19 2007, 06:54:55 UTC
I hear you have a knack for keeping Peter in line. I imagine it's a very interesting occupation.


elizabeth_long March 19 2007, 06:55:42 UTC
Well there's some words for it!


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