randomness again!)

Jun 06, 2010 23:31

 Just FYI
I have noticed a lot of videos on youtube of cats/ kittens drinking milk. I know it's cute n everything, but the vast majority of cats are lactose intolerant. cats that CAN drink milk and are fine are rare. Some cats DIE from drinking milk...just a LITTLE milk. remember...it's COW milk. not cat milk. but i guess that's just a pet peeve of mine AND not many people know that cats are (usually) lactose intolerant! I didn't know until i started doing research before getting my own kitty.  i'm betting that in VERY small quantities some kitties can take milk. but a friend of mine has a kitty that is have skin problems and kidney problems b/c her boyfriend was giving her cat milk.  :( not fun.

I DO drink cow's milk...but I know that evolutionary wise homo sapiens should not drink cow's milk. If you are not lactose intolerant, i think (you should check my facts on this) that it means you have built up a good enough tolerance that your body can handle it.  So TECHNICALLY we shouldn't be drinking milk either. But that's the best way for me to get calcium and (being female and vegetarian) calcium is very important.

ON A HAPPIER NOTE! i just watched a video of a momma cat carrying her baby...soooo cute!!!! (I remember seeing a story about a momma cat who repeatedly ran into a burning building to get her babies out. She was seriously disfigured from the burns she recieved, but she kept going back to get her babies! SO cool! What a mother! -----All the people who think animals don't have emotions....look at that kitty! If that kitty couldn't feel anything, would she purposefully run into a burning building to save her babies? 
I never understand when people say that animals can't feel things. First of all....humans are animals and we have very intense, complex feelings. And if you just spend an hour with a dog/cat/bird/whatever, you WILL see their emotions written all over their face, eyes, body language, etc.
But then again....i'm hyper empathetic/ hyper sensitive (AKA i empathize with all animals and i can't STAND it when they are in pain).

BTW EVERY TIME i see anything about the oil spill, i can't help but think of the poor marine animals SUFFERING/ DYING because of all the @$#%^*^%$@ oil pouring into the ocean. UGH it drives me insane.

hehe so now i'm watching videos of tigers and lions roaring. Videos don't do it justice. As much as I HATE zoos (but that's for another time), i distinctly remember watching the lions and tigers being fed at the san francisco zoo when i was a child. OMG IT WAS SOOO SCARY. Those kitties are intimidating. You know what i mean if you've ever been there during feeding time. At SF zoo they put all the lions and tigers in their own little cells for feeding....and they pace (they are SO big btw) and growl and rumble and roar! OMG you can feel it in your bones!!!!! and i mean that literally. once again...you know what i mean if you've experienced it in person. It's SCARY (as it should be).


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