A Small Update

Aug 05, 2008 12:02

Wanted to post the briefest of notes as I've been pretty out of touch with far too many friends for far too long ( Read more... )

reflection, friends, life, work

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Comments 17

therayray August 6 2008, 20:59:06 UTC

Sorry to hear about that and hope all goes well for you.

Hollar at me sometime!

What do you do, or prefer to do anyway?

You can use me as a reference here at DART, if you want to get involved in the oddness that is DART.


elizagoth August 7 2008, 16:52:08 UTC
Graphic design background, but my last few positions have involved event planning (which i LOVE) and heavy emphasis on marketing communications (involves copy writing, editing, design, & more).

I'd love work closer to home, since I've discovered I'm not a huge fan of traffic or downtown, but if I come across anything interesting with DART, I will definitely give you a shout!


eemooretx August 8 2008, 03:38:27 UTC
*hugz*...I know the feeling. Try ten years at Dell, and all of a sudden they send my job to India. But!...here I am, 2 1/2 years later, part-owner of a great little business here in Great Falls. Kick it in, Sister - make it happen. I know you can!! *HUGGERZ*


elizagoth August 8 2008, 20:37:40 UTC
I know it! I'm steeping in not just hope, but true conviction and belief.

Onward & upward!


LOOOONG Time! el_kram September 5 2008, 06:21:06 UTC
Ivy? as in Fred, & Ivy? AND LILLY!?!?!?! Wow. Admittedly, Lilly (her personality & features) is the kid owning the most vivid memories I had from those Nursery years.
This is Mark, btw...as in, Mark & Amy & McKay.
I caught a reply of yours in Jay's LJ, and you signed it. So I tested my luck with your entries, and, yes, it does seem to be you.
Does Fred have a LJ, too?
I know we've got plenty of chatching up to do (and that my LJ entries will be of near NO help, as I never had time to do much more than cut/paste most all of my entries), and I hope you don't think littler of me for cutting this off before getting a proper chance to update...but my time is short tonight.
Later! And a hefty "Hi!!" to Lilly for me, please?


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