Title: Two Live, One Story - 4/?
Author: ElizaOlivia
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3000
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn, Dianna/Lea
Spoilers: Up to 2x02 - Brittney/Brittany
Summary: Quinn and Dianna switch worlds, now Lea and Rachel have to help them get back to the right one. Established Achele, potential future Faberry
Disclaimers: Real person shipping. Be warned.
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Comments 18
Poor Di, I believe this is gonna be less funny for her ... Except if she just undressed again in front of Rachel ! xD
I love how there's this... repressed-ness going around, and it's all awesome. Also, Naya trolling LChat is AWESOME!!!!
Quinn + swearing = OTP XDDDD
Also, as per author's note: Lea/Dianna, and Faberry... though this one time I read a Lea/Rachel fic that was remarkably hot...
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