Jun 13, 2009 21:02
- 22:32 @ KatGamer I guess the message is that you can eat AND poop your pants if you take that vile stuff. #
- 22:34 @ RandomAngela I have not! Is it useful? #
- 23:16 @ RandomAngela awesome, I'll check it out tonight. I've just been using the homepage on my laptop. #
- 23:24 Got facebook.com/elizawrites #facebooklandgrab #
- 00:12 @ katgamer o rly? I was going to read those things! I just never had time. #
- 00:22 @ katgamer no I hates the bookmarks. I never go back to check them -- easier to have tabs open. #
- 00:25 I love how Showtime puts its shows on Netflix Instant Watch. Which HBO was on board. Is Cinemax even a channel anymore? #
- 00:33 omg what? There's an instant queue limit of 500? BOOOOOOO. Netflix fail! #
- 00:46 @ randomangela yay! I really love twitterfox! But how do I get my little number down to zero? #
- 00:52 @ bacon_lover *hugs* #
- 01:07 I kind of want to go to England so I can spend my days wandering around their grocery stores, marveling. #
- 01:37 Hmm. #squarespace? :D #
- 10:16 Okay, I need to back away from the internet. So bored I just took a typing test online. #
- 11:45 Last time watching #bestweekever with @modulo while eating Saturday lunch. Stupid VH1 ruins everything. #
- 12:29 ra pa pe da ba da ba #
- 12:50 I am whistling One Singular Sensation VERY LOUDLY. That means it is time for a nap. #
- 17:56 @ RandomAngela thanks! I figured it out after an embarrassingly long time. Thanks for the rec - am really liking it. #
- 18:02 Going trough all our clothes again. I think this is the third time this year. Where does all this stuff come from? #
- 18:27 One nice thing about cleaning out the closet: looks like I might not need anything new for nationals next month. #
- 20:19 pad kee nom nom nom #
- 21:01 Ooh, why didn't anyone ever tell me about Charley Harper before? Modernist wildlife? Don't mind if I do. #
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