Jun 21, 2009 21:02
- 21:23 @ katgamer did they give you any anti-anxiety meds? #
- 22:07 Jeez, the MMP of Anathem is going to have more than 1000 pages. Maybe I should just break down and get it in hb. #
- 00:02 Anyone know how to sync ONLY ringtones onto the iphone? #
- 00:49 Victory achieved! Made 30 seconds of this song my ringtone: bit.ly/qNM8V #
- 01:15 omg omg omg best local news video ever: bit.ly/jpIHm #
- 09:43 @ ivey yep, thanks, deleted it :) #
- 09:51 @ ivey after checking out his account, going to guess dick. #
- 10:36 wow, i really can't hear anything below the 30 and older one. www.freemosquitoringtones.org/ #
- 10:44 It's never too late to be who you truly are: bit.ly/cZBVT #
- 11:22 I'm pretty sure my cat has three beans and and earthworm instead of a brain. #
- 12:08 rt @matociquala RT @hollyblack: RT @dpeterfreund: (via @JustineLavaWorm) Letter from former slave to his master: bit.ly/9ykbN #
- 13:39 Austen fans: check out my friend Marilyn's blog for AustenFest btwn now & end of June. Lots of giveaways. Marilynbrant.blogspot.com #
- 16:11 Got a fab cargo kit today at sephora. 7 full sized prods for $60. Not a wide range of colors on the fndtn though. #
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