Jun 25, 2009 21:02
- 21:25 Since when are press conferences called pressers? Where did this come from? If I were smarter I'd write a meme virus book. #
- 22:00 @ dlightful ack! Hope he feels better soon! #
- 22:03 bit.ly/xSYWn #
- 22:49 Is that Amy Sedaris doing a voiceover for Supercuts? #
- 23:50 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_goat #
- 00:10 I have no idea what I'm going to write for my instance that's due tomorrow. #
- 00:10 It's after midnight! #
- 10:36 RT @Annemazer: RT @anonpoetry "We lack words, and we have too many of them." Susan Sontag (the writer's credo?) #
- 11:52 Rip farrah fawcett #
- 12:24 I think that chocolate coated mojo bar might have been a bad idea. #
- 19:47 Dude, mj, WTF. Sad ending to a sad life. #
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