Newbies first!
Ella of Frell: Ella is from a fairy tale world and, as such, is one of the characters who will have to have that fancy new electricity thing explained to her. She is clever, a gifted linguist, and headstrong. But the important thing about her is this: When she was born, an idiot fairy gifted (cursed, really) her with obedience.
As she explains it in canon:
"Anyone could control me with an order. It had to be a direct command[. …] A wish or request had no effect. […] If someone told me to hop on one foot for a day and a half, I'd have to do it. And hopping on one foot wasn't the worst order I could be given. If you commanded me to cut off my own head, I'd have to do it."
I am trusting you guys not to tell her to cut off her own head. Beyond that, I LOVE orders for her, and 99 percent of the time she'll just follow them.
So the rest of this is about that 1 percent of the time when she won't. Please clear it with me if you're going to tell her to do something that will be physically or emotionally painful, either for her or for someone else. I have no problems following those orders sometimes, and I hope to use them in her plots. But if you do it without checking with me, she'll try to talk her way out of it. If you don't clear a harmful command first or let her out of it IC, I will consider it godmodding and bitch at you. Don't make me do this.
The other thing is this: In canon, she's under an order not to reveal her curse. That will be relaxed slightly before she comes to Fandom, but still, she is not stupid enough to tell people about it without a life-or-death reason. The one time anyone figured it out, it was her evil soon-to-be stepsister, who used it to make Ella a servant, so she'll be understandably wary around the subject. If your character can see magic, I'm fine with them being able to tell Ella is under a spell, but please tell me what they're doing.
If you know canon - and I'm following the book, not the movie - she's coming right after her father married Dame Olga.
Tyler Durden (
tyler_back): Um, okay, if you were around two years ago?
Same guy I brought in then, just twelve years older and slightly less prone to trying to blow up portions of the school.
So Jack Moore was this nice kid -- except he wasn't -- who met a guy named Tyler Durden, who changed his life - except neither of those clauses is true.
But, in reality as Tyler perceived it, that's what happened. And, after several months of whaling on grown men in bar basements, Fight Club escalated to a terrorist organization.
The bombs Tyler planted to bring down his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, failed and he was sent to a mental institution, then broke out and came to Fandom. He was in Fandom for a year before it was time to move on again.
Since age 16, Tyler's split his life between Fight Club, the 311 Soap Company, and Marla. He's been in jail and mental hospitals; he's also graduated from college and held down steady jobs. And there's always, always, always been a Marla, his hated lover, his older woman child bride, the sore in his mouth he kept poking at because he never quite wanted it to heal.
Until now. Now she is gone, and he is back in Fandom.
Physically, Tyler is a tallish, wiry man of 27, with wavy dark brown hair and a goatee. He has deep-set blue-grey eyes, a lip-print scar on one hand, and a face that can shift from deceptively mild to feral in an eyeblink. And he's very happy to get the chance to mold young minds.
There are 50 things about him
And the others:
Romeo Montague (
fair_montague) is that guy from Shakespeare (via the cracked genius of Baz Luhrmann), just less dead. Oh, you want specifics? He's 17, he's a rising senior, he grew up very, very rich and very, very violent, he's pretty and knows it, and he's a flirt who never met an impulse he didn't follow. He's also intensely devoted to the things he cares about, which currently include Dojima Yurika.
Angela Chase (
chasingangela) is an alumni who just finished her freshman year at the University of New York. She's been dating Marty Blank for the last millennium, and they're having a baby around Halloween.