Jared Leto
October 20 2004, 17:51:13 UTC
Yum! Sounds like sessy Fabs is...well..sessy. To quote the great English writer Shakespeare: "Just Do't". I believe that sums it up nicely. I have a midterm tomorrow, as well as next Thurs, and many other projects to work on in between. So, that is my life. I haven't partied or drank since I arrived on campus the first day..surprise, no? I am very happy with my will power. Not that I was ever tempted to before, but there are always opportunities. Speaking of sessy men, I have found one! His name is Toby, we can call him Tobes. Heh..looks like Toes. No, he is not my bf, but maybe that will change. I may have told you about him, but he has eyes like Elijah and hair like Elijah/Orli and is gorgey. And is taller, I think. He's in 3 of my classes, and I FINALLY talked to him on Monday (took me a month...). Now whenever I look at him, which is *hate to say it because I sound stalker-ish* quite a bit, he is ALWAYS looking at me..it is very embarrassing because I choose the wrong time to do so. Especially when it involves
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Re: Jared Leto
October 20 2004, 17:54:40 UTC
I meant to say Tobs. But that doesn't look right either...oh well. We can just leave it as SG. ~atg PS. Holy Jesus on a stick...OMG. I just clicked "post reply" when it said (I swear I am not making this up..) "Error: Please confirm you are a human below." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
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PS. Holy Jesus on a stick...OMG. I just clicked "post reply" when it said (I swear I am not making this up..)
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