My name is Pierre, I am from Paris and I have come to have sex with your family...

Jan 02, 2005 01:40

Okay, for people who thought I had died or fallen off the face of the earth because I haven't updated, Good news: I am still alive! I am home for the holidays which has been fun in an uneventful kind of way. I am still trying to find some sort of thing that allows me to post in a less confuzzling way because this live journal thing is getting ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

What is it, Sebastian? I'm arranging matches... elrohiradan January 14 2005, 19:14:48 UTC
Hey..I'm a dedicated reader! Hope you're doing well..I find I post more for myself than anyone, really, for my LJ but I haven't updated til today, actually. But anyway, hope to hear from you soon, either via email, msn, or..lj..ish. :) LOVE YOU, BRO!
PS. My friend came *startlingly* close to guessing what it meant..but the 2 last words were Michael B*someting..dont know*..hehe! Isn't that funny? I almost died laughing..ish. I didn't die or laugh..but I chuckled. And smirked.


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