For the
hp100 'Miss' challenge.
Really, I just wanted an excuse to write Hedwig/Errol. Theirloveissofeathery!
Title: Heir
Words: 100
Characters: Regulus, Sirius
Regulus never doubted that his parents knew best.
His father was smart and powerful and made things happen.
His mother was strong, respected and even feared.
Clearly, the Blacks knew what they were talking about. They'd been around since Salazar Slytherin himself after all.
So when he was told that Sirius was no longer part of the family and that he was never to be mentioned again, Regulus accepted it.
He had always done what his family wanted and expected.
The only time he ever defied them was the nights when he’d think about how much he missed his brother.
Title: Spare
Words: 100
Characters: Sirius, Regulus
"Sirry, I'm scared. Can I sleep in your room?"
Back then, he'd been the only one who could get away with calling him that.
"Sirius, watch me fly!"
Always so desperate for his brother's attention.
"Sirius, what's a mudblood?"
So desperate for his approval.
"What would you know? You're a Gryffindor"
So bloody ignorant.
So incredibly stupid.
So unwilling to listen to his brother when he tried to warn him.
He’d been a Death Eater. A killer.
But he’d been his brother.
Standing on the opposite side of the cemetery, Sirius watched his baby brother being lowered into the ground.
Title: Messenger
Words: 100
Characters/Pairings: Hedwig. Hedwig/Errol *g*
First it was the big, flashy looking birds, who made a big show of squeezing through the window and then preening brightly coloured feathers in front of his cage.
Then it was the various Hogwarts owls on official business. None of them stayed to sit or have a drink, flying off as soon as the letter was delivered, always with an air of extreme importance.
Lately it had been that twittery, miniature excuse for an owl, hooting shrilly at her and bathing in her water dish.
Hedwig tucked her beak into her feathers, waiting for the day when Errol returned.