I should probably find a better use for this than posting drabbles from it.
hp100 as always, since I never got around to finishing my James/Lily.
Title: Letters
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Characters: Petunia
Challenge: 100
Petunia watched in silence as the owls came in their hundreds, smuggling letters in any way they could. It seemed odd that for those living such a strange lifestyle, they would rely on such traditional methods of communication.
She had seen Vernon's frustration and quietly persuaded him to ignore it, ensuring they'd persist.
She had pretended to be amazed that they wanted to reach her nephew so desperately.
She had pretended not to understand why it was important that he attend the school.
But still, she couldn't help but be annoyed that the owls hadn't continued bringing letters for her.
Title: The Best Godfather
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Characters: Sirius, Harry, Lily.
Challenge: 100
Sirius had vowed to be the best godfather he could and, so far, he thought he was doing a damn good job, even if Lily didn't agree.
He bought Harry hundreds of toys, games and books. Lily said he was spoiling him.
He read to him from 'Quidditch through the Ages'. Lily rolled her eyes.
He sang every Sex Pistols song he knew to Harry. Lily glared at him.
When he turned up on carrying a miniature leather jacket, Lily hadn't even opened her mouth before Harry promptly threw up on it.
The next time, Sirius brought a teddy bear.
Title: Signs
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Characters: Lily, Petunia
Challenge: 100
"I get a head start! Count to a hundred," Lily said, dashing off across the garden.
"A hundred!" Petunia protested.
"It's the rules!"
"Fine. Ten. Twenty. Thirty-"
"That's cheating!" Lily declared.
"Is not! Ninety. A hundred!"
Petunia dashed after her little sister, hearing her scared squeaks. Lily never liked to be cornered like this yet she always went where she couldn't escape.
"I know where you are Lily!"
A small scream.
Smirking, Petunia approached the farthest tree, knowing Lily would be huddled behind it.
"Gotcha!" she cried, jumping around it.
No one was there.
Then, "Mum! Lily's on the roof!"
Title: Ten Ways
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Characters: Lily, James
Challenge: 100
Lily knew James liked silly lists and lately, he'd taken to leaving them lying around on purpose.
'10 reasons why Lily Evans should date me' was found on the third stair from the bottom of the girls staircase.
'10 ways to get Lily Evans to date me' was stuck up on the Gryffindor noticeboard.
'The 10 best things about Lily Evans' was found stuffed down between the cushions
There was a suspiciously long absence of lists until she found '100 ways Lily Evans is too good for me' lying on top of her pillow.
She never did finish reading it.
Title: Rules of the Game
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Characters: James, Harry
Challenge: 100
"See these guys, Harry?" James held up the quidditch figures. "They're Chasers. They score the goals, right?”
Harry frowned, as if committing it all to memory.
"This one, she's a Keeper. Like your mum," James added, giving Lily a grin.
Harry reached for the last three figures.
"I'm getting there, I'm getting there. These guys are Beaters. They hit the bludgers away. And finally, the Se- where'd… Harry, the quidditch figures do not go in our mouth. Anyway, the Seeker catches the snitch, see, and gets how many points for it?"
Harry burped.
"150! Exactly, Harry!"
James beamed with pride.