So, now that
All Of The Drabbles from past memes have been posted, I can finally post a NEW MEME. (I need a new meme like I need a hole in the head. It'd probably be best if I didn't have one, actually.)
Most of y'all know how these go, but for those of you who don't, leave a comment with the following information and I will write you a drabble cookie...
Characters: Gen, or a het pairing.
Prompt: Can be a song, quote, word, phrase, gif, photo, or whatever!
Fandoms I will currently write for include Harry Potter (including HP RPG's Caliga, Pink Sheep and Pink Lambs), The Vampire Diaries, and Naruto. I'm also open to crossovers with any of those three fandoms. And I could be persuaded to try my hand at a different fandom if I'm familiar with it and you can sell me on it.
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